Consulting and Review

Risk Management

Whether you need assistance with risk assessments; documenting or retooling your CMS or BSA|AML program, policies, or procedures; training your Board, lending, retail or operations staff; preparing for regulatory compliance or BSA exams; or addressing identified compliance weaknesses, violations or enforcement actions, Sterling is your trusted risk management partner.

Our Approach

Assessing the level and direction of risk within your institution is critical to your ongoing operational, strategic, and regulatory compliance responsibilities. Your risk assessment process must be robust enough to identify current, as well as emerging risks, to ensure the implementation of effective and appropriate controls to mitigate identified risks. We can help you through the full life cycle of risk management, from the initial risk assessment process to the development of a formally documented risk management program, including policies and procedures, to testing the effectiveness of mitigating controls and implementing appropriate enhancements or corrective measures. We will help you through each step of this process to ensure all relevant areas of the institution are appropriately integrated into your business strategy, decision-making framework and daily operations. We bring valued perspective of seasoned compliance professionals to provide meaningful and thoughtful recommendations to enhance compliance programs.

Comprehensive Risk Assessments