Maximize efficiency and effectiveness of your compliance or BSA|AML program by engaging us for independent compliance reviews or BSA|AML audits. Sterling partners with clients to develop a risk-based approach. Reviews are comprehensive and detailed, provide meaningful insight and perspective, and consistently stand up to rigorous regulatory examinations.
Sterling will perform compliance reviews throughout the year to be determined and scheduled by Management in cooperation with Sterling based on an initial or ongoing compliance risk assessment to ensure that areas of higher risk are prioritized and appropriately covered. Review topics selected will align with the Board’s overall audit plan.
Available review topics include the following, though this list will be expanded as needed to meet your specific needs, as regulations change, or as new supervisory guidance emerges.
Sterling Navigator is your go-to resource for compliance news, critical and upcoming deadlines, and items of regulatory focus. Each business-level subscription provides your entire team with monthly updates and bonus tools for just $150 a year.
Consulting & Review