Consulting and Review

Sterling BeaconTM Consulting

This service is part of all compliance engagement packages but may be selected a la carte for your institution. Our Beacon™ consulting service allows you to call or email us at any time – an important compliance lifeline.

Unlimited Access to Support

Sterling will actively and strategically support your Institution’s compliance risk management program as a valuable resource for regulatory interpretation and research; updates regarding proposed rulemaking and final rules; consultative assistance with implementation; and development of compliance policies, procedures and controls. Our Beacon™ service provides you access to our staff by phone and email for any consumer compliance or BSA-related questions, interpretations, and document reviews. We are your “regs to English” hotline with highly responsive and qualified subject matter experts ready to make your life easier.

Timely Regulatory Updates

Sterling Compliance Consultant can attend regularly scheduled compliance committee meetings at your discretion to provide timely regulatory updates on applicable rule-making, industry developments or supervisory examination hot buttons that could impact the institution. Our objective is to help clients stay abreast of supervisory agendas and examination focal points, regulatory changes, and emerging risks. We can assist in developing appropriate action plans and tracking mechanisms to ensure that such matters are proactively and effectively addressed and that Management, the Board and Business Units are well informed of relevant regulatory matters on an ongoing basis.