
CRA Interagency Q&As

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CRA Interagency Q&As

The OCC, Federal Reserve Board and FDIC adopted final revisions to the Interagency Questions and Answers Regarding Community Reinvestment (Q&As) based on a proposal originally issued in September 2014, addressing alternative systems for delivering retail banking services; community-development-related issued; and the qualitative aspects for performance, including innovative or flexible lending practices and the responsiveness and innovativeness of an institution’s loans, qualified investments and community development services. Through these revisions, the Agencies adopted 9 of the 10 proposed Q&As with clarifications to reflect commenters’ suggestions. In response to comments received, the Agencies declined not to adopt the proposed revisions to one of the Q&As that addressed the availability and effectiveness of retail banking services. Further, the Agencies also revised four additional existing Q&As based on questions and suggestions provided by the commenters. This document has been compiled using the Interagency CRA Q&As to provide a user-friendly reference.

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